Erin is a professional dancer, erotic performer and facilitator of Tantra and feminine movement practices. Erin is soft yet powerful and has a depth of wisdom that comes from over 20 years of experience in a wide range of movement modalities, including contemporary dance, ballet, kung fu, tai chi, Qoya feminine movement, and erotic dance. She has performed and choreographed international award-winning Fringe and festival shows, has worked as an erotic dancer, and is a workshop facilitator and the Temple Dance Facilitator for the Embodied Awakening Academy. She brings a depth of compassion and understanding to those she works with, alongside a down to earth sense of humour and delight. 

Erin is on a mission to inspire and support people to express who they are through their bodies, to come into deeper self-acceptance and to find liberation through the power of movement. After years of working with individuals to reclaim their sensuality, Erin has found that activating this through movement and dance, is what really stirs the fires of their transformation.